Hubungan Lama Pengobatan Infeksi Tuberkulosis Paru terhadap Nilai Hitung Jenis Leukosit
Peneliti : Khairunnisa Pembimbing : Ahmad Muhlisin ; Nurlailah
Mycobacterium tuberculosis merupakan penyebab terjadinya Tuberkulosis paru. Pengobatan penyakit Tuberkulosis paru dapat dilakukan dalam dua tahap, yaitu tahap intensif (2 bulan) dan tahap lanjutan (4 bulan). Obat standar anti tuberkulosis yang digunakan yaitu isoniazid, rifampisin, etambutol, pirazinamid dan streptomisin. Isoniazid adalah obat yang dapat menyebabkan agranulositosis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan lama pengobatan infeksi TB paru terhadap nilai hitung jenis leukosit. Jenis penelitian adalah survey analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Sampel penelitian adalah darah vena dari 35 orang responden. Hasil pemeriksaan nilai hitung jenis leukosit dengan variasi lama pengobatan dari 0 sampai 6 bulan didapatkan nilai rata-rata hitung sel eosinofil, basofil, limfosit dan monosit masih berada didalam nilai rujukan. Sedangkan nilai hitung sel neutrofil pasien TB paru pada 2 bulan pengobatan mengalami penurunan drastis dibandingkan nilai hitung sel neutrofil pasien TB paru pada 3,4,5 dan 6 bulan pengobatan, sehingga dapat dilihat bahwa pasien TB paru pada 2 bulan pengobatan mengalami agranulositosis. Berdasarkan uji pearson diperoleh nilai signifikasi sebesar 0,000<ɑ (0,05), sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan antara lama pengobatan infeksi Tuberkulosis paru terhadap nilai hitung jenis leukosit yaitu sel neutrofil. Disarankan kepada pasien Tuberkulosis paru yang sedang menjalani pengobatan dengan obat anti tuberkulosis agar melakukan deteksi agranulositosis sedini mungkin dengan pemeriksaan nilai hitung jenis leukosit. Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat menjadi ilmu tambahan bagi penelitian selanjutnya.
Kata kunci: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Agranulositosis, Isoniazid
Correlation of Long Treatment Pulmonary Tuberculosis Infection Against the Value of Leukocyte Counts
Researchers: Khairunnisa Supervisor: Ahmad Muhlisin; Nurlailah
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the cause of the occurrence of pulmonary Tuberculosis. Treatment of Tuberculosis of lung disease can be done in two stages, namely the stage of intensive (2 months) and the advanced stages (4 months). Standard anti tuberculosis drugs ares isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol, streptomycin and pirazinamid. Isoniazid is a drug that can cause agranulocytosis. This research aims to know correlation of long treatment Tuberculosis infection against the value of Leukocyte counts. This type of research is analytical survey with cross sectional design. The research sample is a blood vein of 35 people respondents. The results of the examination of the value of Leukocyte counts with a long treatment variation from 0 to 6 months was obtained by calculating the average value of cells eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes and monocytes were still within the reference value. While the value of the cell count of neutrophils of pulmonary Tuberculosis patients in 2 months treatment precipitously compared the value of the cell count of neutrophils of pulmonary Tuberculosis patients on 3, 4, 5 and 6 months of treatment, so it can be seen that pulmonary Tuberculosis patients in 2 months treatment experienced agranulocytosis. Based on the test of significance value obtained pearson 0.000 < pronounced (0.05), so it can be concluded that there is a relationship between pulmonary Tuberculosis infection treatment for long against the value of the cell type of Leukocyte that is the count of neutrophils. It is recommended to patients of pulmonary Tuberculosis which is undergoing treatment with anti-tuberculosis drugs in order to probe agranulocytosis as early as possible with an examination of the value of Leukocyte counts. It is hoped this research can be an additional science for further research.
Key words: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Agranulocytosis, Isoniazid
Detail Information
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Khairunnisa - Personal Name
Ahmad Muhlisin - Personal Name Dra. Nurlailah, Apt., M.Si. - Personal Name Wahdah Norsiah, M.Si - Personal Name |
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Penerbit | Jurusan Analis Kesehatan : Banjarbaru., 2017 |
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