Hubungan Lama Konsumsi Obat Anti Tuberkulosis pada Pasien TB Paru terhadap Anemia

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Hubungan Lama Konsumsi Obat Anti Tuberkulosis pada Pasien TB Paru terhadap Anemia


Hubungan Lama Konsumsi Obat Anti Tuberkulosis pada Pasien TB Paru terhadap Anemia
Peneliti : Rima Agnes Widya Astuti
Pembimbing : Anny Thuraidah, Dinna Rakhmina

Tuberkulosis adalah penyakit infeksi akibat kuman Mycobacterium tuberculosis yang dapat menginfeksi beberapa organ tubuh, diantaranya paru-paru, ginjal, dan tulang. Tujuan pengobatan tuberkulosis adalah memusnahkan basil tuberkulosis dengan cepat dan mencegah kekambuhan. Pengobatan tuberkulosis kategori pertama yaitu isoniazid, rifampisin, etambutanol, streptomisin, dan pirazinamid. Walaupun sebagian besar obat anti tuberkulosis (OAT) dapat diterima dalam terapi, namun mempunyai efek toksik yang potensial diantaranya terhadap efek samping reaksi hematologik seperti agranulositosis, eosinofilia, trombositopenia dan anemia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan lama konsumsi OAT pada pasien TB paru terhadap anemia. Penelitian ini bersifat Survey Analitic dengan rancangan Cross Sectional. Hasil penelitian rata-rata hitung sel darah merah 0 bulan 5,16 106/uL, 2 bulan 4,39 106/uL dan 6 bulan 4,61 106/uL, rata-rata kadar hemoglobin 0 bulan 15,17 g/dL, 2 bulan 12,73 g/dL dan 6 bulan 13,28 g/dL serta ratarata nilai hematokrit 0 bulan 44,26 %, 2 bulan 38,24 % dan 6 bulan 39,04 %. Dari hasil uji Spearman diperoleh nilai signifikan sebesar hitung sel darah merah 0,004 < α (0,05), kadar hemoglobin 0,007 < α (0,05) dan nilai hematokrit 0,015 < α (0,05) sehingga dapat disimpulkan ada hubungan antara lama konsumsi obat anti tuberkulosis pada pasien TB paru terhadap anemia dan nilai correlation coefficient hitung sel darah merah -0,531, kadar hemoglobin -0,479 serta nilai hematokrit -0,440 berarti memiliki kekuatan hubungan yang sedang. Disarankan untuk penelitian selanjutnya menggunakan parameter yang berbeda seperti jumlah trombosit, kadar AST/ALT dan sebaiknya menggunakan sampel atau pasien yang sama dari 0 bulan sampai 6 bulan.

Kata kunci: Obat anti tuberkulosis, TB paru, anemia.


Correlation of Long Consumption Anti Tuberculosis Drug on Pulmonary TB Patients Against Anemia

Researcher: Rima Agnes Widya Astuti Supervisor: Anny Thuraidah, Dinna Rakhmina

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis germ that can infect several organs, including the lungs, kidneys, and bones. The goal of treatment of tuberculosis is tuberculosis bacilli destroy quickly and prevent recurrence. First category treatment of tuberculosis are isoniazid, rifampin, streptomycin, etambutanol, and pirazinamid. Although most anti tuberculosis drug is acceptable in therapy, but have potential toxic effects hematologic reactions such as agranulocytosis, eosinofilia, thrombocytopenia and anemia. This research aims to know the correlation between anti tuberculosis drug consumption on pulmonary TB patients against anemia. Method of this research was Analytical Survey with Cross Sectional design. The average results of red blood cell count for 0 months 5,16 106/uL, 2 months 4,39 106/uL and 6 months 4,61 106/uL, haemoglobin levels for 0 month 15,17 g/dL, 2 months 12,73 g/dL and 6 months 13,28 g/dL as well as hematokrit value for 0 month 44,26 %, 2 months 38,24 % and 6 months 39,04 %. From the statistics results by Spearman was obtained significant of red blood cell count 0.004 < α (0.05), levels of hemoglobin 0.007 < α (0.05) and the value of hematokrit 0.015 < α (0.05), if was concluded there were correlation between long consumption of anti tuberculosis drug with anemia and the value of the correlation coeffisient count of red blood cells -0.531, levels of hemoglobin-0.479 as well as the value of hematocrit -0.440 means has the power correlations are medium. Further research is recommended to use different parameters such as the number of platelets, AST/ALT levels and should use the same patient sample or from 0 months up to 6 months.

Key words: Anti tuberculosis drug, pulmonary TB, anemia.

Detail Information

Item Type
Rima Agnes Widya Astuti - Personal Name
Dra. Anny Thuraidah, Apt.,MS. - Personal Name
Dinna Rakhmina - Personal Name
H. Ahmad Muhlisin, M.Kes - Personal Name
Student ID
Dosen Pembimbing
Kode Prodi PDDIKTI
Penerbit Jurusan Analis Kesehatan : Banjarbaru.,
No Panggil

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