Pengaruh Jumlah Volume Darah dalam Tabung Vacutainer K3EDTA Terhadap Nilai Indeks Eritrosit
Peneliti : Ilham Thariq Pembimbing : Yayuk Kustiningsih; Jujuk Anton Cahyono
Tahap pra analitik merupakan tahap penentuan hasil pemeriksaan yang memiliki kontribusi sebesar 61% dari total kesalahan hasil laboratorium. Pada tahap ini pemeriksaan darah menggunakan antikoagulan K3EDTA cair konsentrasi 10% (dosis 1 mg EDTA / ml darah). Bila jumlah konsentrasi EDTA berlebih maka akan menyebabkan penyusutan eritrosit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh nilai indeks eritrost pada variasi volume 1 ml, 2 ml, dan 3 ml darah dengan antikoagulan K3EDTA. Jenis penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah Quasi Eksperiment dengan rancangan penelitian Postest Only Control Group Design, yaitu mengukur nilai indeks eritrosit dengan variasi volume 1 ml dan 2 ml dimasukkan ke dalam tabung vacutainer K3EDTA 10% dengan kelompok kontrol 3 ml. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, rata-rata nilai MCV pada variasi volume darah 1 ml (85,3 fL), 2 ml (85,6 fL), dan 3 ml (85,3 fL). Hasil ratarata nilai MCH pada variasi volume darah 1 ml (26,3 pg), 2 ml (26,1 pg), dan 3 ml (25,9 pg). Hasil rata-rata nilai MCHC pada variasi volume darah pada variasi volume darah 1 ml (30,8%), 2 ml (30,5%), 3 ml (30,3%). Hasil uji regresi linier didapatkan bahwa kadar MCV memiliki nilai p = 0,994 > 0,05, kadar MCH memiliki nilai p = 0,582 > 0,05, dan kadar MCHC memiliki nilai p = 0,342 > 0,05, sehingga dapat disimpulkan tidak ada pengaruh antara variasi volume darah dengan K3EDTA terhadap nilai indeks eritrosit. Akan tetapi, dalam pengambilan sampel darah harus memperhatikan perbandingan volume darah dengan antikoagulan agar mendapatkan hasil yang lebih tepat dan akurat.
Kata Kunci : Antikoagulan K3EDTA, Nilai Indeks Eritrosit
Effect of Blood Volume Amount in K3EDTA Vacutainer Tube Against Erythrocyte Index Value Researcher: Ilham Thariq Advisor: Yayuk Kustingsih; Jujuk Anton Cahyono
The pre-analytic stage is the stage of determining the examination results which has a contribution of 61% of the total errors in laboratory results. During this time the blood examination uses liquid K3EDTA anticoagulant concentration of 10%. If the amount of EDTA concentration is excessive it will cause shrinkage of erythrocytes. This study aims to determine the effect of erythrost index values on volume variations of 1 ml, 2 ml, and 3 ml of blood with K3EDTA anticoagulants . This type of research in this study is a Quasi Experiment with the study design Posttest Only Control Group Design, which measures the value of the index of erythrocyte with variations volume of 1 ml and 2 ml vacutainer tubes inserted into the K3EDTA 10% in the control group 3 ml. Based on the results of the study, the average MCV value at variations in blood volume 1 ml (85.3 fL), 2 ml (85.6 fL), and 3 ml (85.3 fL) . The average results of MCH values at variations in blood volume 1 ml (26.3 pg), 2 ml (26.1 pg), and 3 ml (25.9 pg). The average results of MCHC values on variations in blood volume at variations in blood volume 1 ml ( 30.8%), 2 ml (30.5%), 3 ml (30.3%). The results of the linear regression test showed that the MCV level had a p value = 0.9940, the MCH level had a p value = 0.582 and the MCHC level had a value of p = 0.342, so it could be concluded that there was no influence between blood volume variation with K3EDTA on erythrocyte index values. However, in taking blood samples must pay attention to the comparison of blood volume with anticoagulants in order to get more precise and accurate results. Keywords: K3EDTA Anticoagulants , Erythrocyte Index Value
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Penerbit | Jurusan Analis Kesehatan : Banjarbaru., 2019 |
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ANK.44 SKP 2019
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