Gambaran Protein Urine pada Lansia Penderita Hipertensi di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Martapura 2 Tahun 2024

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Gambaran Protein Urine pada Lansia Penderita Hipertensi di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Martapura 2 Tahun 2024



Gambaran Protein Urine pada Lansia Penderita Hipertensi di Wilayah

Kerja Puskesmas Martapura 2 Tahun 2024

Peneliti : Noorjannati

Pembimbing : Jujuk Anton Cahyono, Yayuk Kustiningsih

Hipertensi merupakan penyakit kronis yang sering ditemukan seiring
dengan peningkatan usia, jika penyakit ini tidak ditangani dapat menimbulkan
kerusakan organ tubuh salah satunya adalah ginjal. Terjadinya hipertensi yang
tidak terkontrol dan berlangsung lama menyebabkan kerusakan pembuluh darah
halus dalam ginjal. Hal ini akan berdampak pada penurunan filtrasi protein yang
ditandai dengan adanya kebocoran protein ke urine (mikroalbuminuria).
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran protein urine pada lansia
penderita hipertensi di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Martapura 2 tahun 2024. Jenis
penelitian ini bersifat survey deskriptif dengan rancangan penelitian Cross
Sectional. Populasi dan sampel penelitian ini adalah lansia penderita hipertensi
yang melakukan kunjungan di posyandu lansia wilayah kerja Puskesmas
Martapura 2. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Purposive Sampling
sebanyak 34 orang dengan kriteria lansia yang telah menderita hipertensi selama
minimal 3 bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan protein urine pada lansia
penderita hipertensi yaitu protein urine negatif sebanyak 30 orang (88%) dan 4
orang (12%) protein urine positif dengan 3 orang protein urine positif 1 (+1) dan 1
orang protein urine positif 2 (2+). Kesimpulan didapatkan hasil persentase protein
urine positif sebanyak 4 orang dengan persentase 12% dan 30 orang dengan
persentase (88%) protein urine negatif. Bagi peneliti selanjutnya disarankan
melakukan penelitian hubungan proteinuria pada penderita hipertensi dengan lama
menderita hipertensi.

Kata Kunci : Hipertensi, Lansia, Proteinuria


Overview of Urine Protein in Elderly Patients with Hypertension in the
Working Area of the Martapura 2 Health Center in 2024

Peneliti : Noorjannati

Supervisor : Jujuk Anton Cahyono, Yayuk Kustiningsih

Hypertension is a chronic disease that is often found along with increasing
age, if this disease is not treated it can cause damage to the body's organs, one of
which is the kidneys. The occurrence of uncontrolled and long-lasting
hypertension causes damage to the fine blood vessels in the kidneys. This will
have an impact on decreasing protein filtration which is characterized by the
leakage of protein into the urine (microalbuminuria). This study aims to find out
the description of urine protein in the elderly with hypertension in the working
area of the Martapura 2 Health Center in 2024. This type of research is a
descriptive survey with a Cross Sectional research design. The population and
sample of this study are elderly people with hypertension who visit the elderly
posyandu in the working area of the Martapura 2 Health Center. The sampling
technique uses Purposive Sampling for 34 people with the criteria of the elderly
who have suffered from hypertension for at least 3 months. The results showed
that urine protein in the elderly with hypertension was negative urine protein for
30 people (88%) and 4 people (12%) for urine protein positive with 3 people
positive urine protein 1 (+1) and 1 person positive urine protein 2 (2+). The
conclusion was obtained that the percentage of positive urine protein was obtained
for 4 people with a percentage of 12% and 30 people with a percentage (88%) of
negative urine protein. For the next researcher, it is recommended to conduct a
study on the relationship between proteinuria in hypertensive patients and the long
time suffering from hypertension.

Keywords: Hypertension, Elderly, Proteinuria

Detail Information

Item Type
Noorjannati - Personal Name
Jujuk Anton Cahyono, M.Sc - Personal Name
Yayuk Kustiningsih, M.Kes - Personal Name
Student ID
Dosen Pembimbing
Kode Prodi PDDIKTI
Penerbit Jurusan Analis Kesehatan : Banjarbaru.,
No Panggil
KTI TLM 048/2024

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