Perbedaan Sebelum Dan Sesudah Penggunaan Kunci Identifikasi Malaria Online Terhadap Kemampuan Petugas Mikroskopis Malaria di Puskesmas Kota Banjarmasin
Perbedaan Sebelum Dan Sesudah Penggunaan Kunci Identifikasi Malaria
Online Terhadap Kemampuan Petugas Mikroskopis Malaria di Puskesmas
Kota Banjarmasin
Peneliti : Hartini
Pembimbing: Rifqoh, Aima Insana
Malaria merupakan penyakit menular yang penegakan diagnosanya dengan
ditemukannya parasit dari genus Plasmodium secara mikroskopis. Sejalan dengan
menurunnya kasus malaria menurut evaluasi Kementrian Kesehatan RI tahun 2020
kemampuan petugas mikroskopis dalam menentukan diagnosa belum mencapai
nilai 70%. Kunci Identifikasi Malaria Online (KIMO) adalah sarana belajar untuk
meningkatkan kemampuan petugas mikroskopis malaria. Penelitian Ini bertujuan
untuk mengetahui perbedaan sebelum dan sesudah penggunaan KIMO terhadap
kemampuan petugas mikroskopis malaria di Puskesmas Kota Banjarmasin. Jenis
penelitian ini merupakan eksperimen dengan Pretest-Posttest design. Penelitian
dilakukan di Puskesmas Kota Banjarmasin. Penelitian dilaksanakan tanggal 2
sampai dengan 11 September 2023. Populasi penelitian seluruh petugas
mikroskopis malaria di Puskesmas Kota Banjarmasin yang berjumlah 26 orang,
sampel diambil dengan Teknik pengambilan Total Sampling. Hasil penelitian
sebelum penggunaan KIMO nilai sensitifitas kurang 3 (11.54%), cukup 8 (30.77%),
baik 15 (57.69%). Nilai spesifisitas kurang 8 (30.77%), cukup 11 (42.31%), baik 7
(26.92%). Nilai akurasi spesies malaria kurang sebanyak 25 (96.15%), baik 1
(3.85%). Hasil penelitian sesudah penggunaan KIMO nilai sensitifitas kurang 1
(3.85%), cukup 1 (3.85%),baik 24 (92.31%). Nilai spesifisitas kurang 2 (7.69%),
cukup 10 (38.46%), baik 14 (53.85%). Nilai akurasi spesies malaria kurang 11
(42.31%), cukup 4 (15.38%), baik 11 (42.31%). Hasil uji Wilcoxon didapatkan nilai
signifikasi sensitifitas 0.002, spesifistas 0.001 dan akurasi spesies 0.001, p-value ≤
0.05 disimpulkan ada perbedaan sebelum dan sesudah penggunaan KIMO terhadap
kemampuan petugas mikroskopis malaria di Puskesmas Kota Banjarmasin.
Disarankan bagi peneliti selanjutnya perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk
membandingkan perbedaan penggunaan KIMO terhadap kemanpuan petugas
mikroskopis di daerah yang aktif kegiatan uji silang dan tidak melakukan uji silang
slide malaria.
Kata kunci : Mikroskopis Malaria, Kunci Identifikasi Malaria Online,
Differences Before and After Using the Online Malaria Identification Key on
the Ability of Malaria Microscopy Officers at the Banjarmasin Health Center
Researcher: Hartini
Advisor: Rifqoh, Aima Insana
Malaria is an infectious disease whose diagnosis is confirmed by the microscopic
discovery of parasites from the genus Plasmodium. In line with the decline in
malaria cases according to the evaluation of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, in
2020 the ability of microscopists to determine diagnoses has not yet reached 70%.
Key to Malaria Identification Online (KIMO) is a learning tool to improve the
ability of malaria microscopists. This research aims to determine the differences
before and after the use of KIMO on the ability of malaria microscopists at the
Banjarmasin Health Center. This research is an experiment with a Pretest-Posttest
design. The research was conducted at the Banjarmasin Health Center. The research
was carried out from 2 to 11 September 2023. The research population was all
malaria microscopists at the Banjarmasin Community Health Center, totaling 26
people, samples were taken using the Total Sampling technique. The research
results before using KIMO sensitivity values were less than 3 (11.54%), sufficient
8 (30.77%), good 15 (57.69%). The specificity value is poor 8 (30.77%), sufficient
11 (42.31%), good 7 (26.92%). The accuracy value for malaria species is less than
25 (96.15%), good 1 (3.85%). The research results after using KIMO sensitivity
values were less than 1 (3.85%), sufficient 1 (3.85%), good 24 (92.31%). The
specificity value is less than 2 (7.69%), sufficient 10 (38.46%), good 14 (53.85%).
The accuracy value for malaria species is poor 11 (42.31%), sufficient 4 (15.38%),
good 11 (42.31%). The results of the Wilcoxon test showed a significance value of
sensitivity of 0.002, specificity of 0.001 and species accuracy of 0.001, p-value ≤
0.05, It was concluded that there were differences before and after the use of KIMO
in the ability of malaria microscopists at the Banjarmasin Health Center. It is
recommended that future researchers need to carry out research to compare the
differences in the use of KIMO on the abilities of microscopists in areas that are
active in cross-testing activities and those that do not cross-testing malaria slides.
Keywords: Malaria Microscopists, Key to Online Malaria Identification, Ability
Detail Information
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Penerbit | Jurusan Analis Kesehatan : Banjarbaru., 2023 |
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No Panggil |
SKP AJ 013J 2023
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