Hubungan Kepatuhan Minum Obat Antiretroviral (ARV) Dengan Viral Load Pada Pasien HIV Di RS Idaman Kota Banjarbaru
Hubungan Kepatuhan Minum Obat Antiretroviral (ARV) Dengan Viral Load
Pada Pasien HIV Di RS Idaman Kota Banjarbaru
Peneliti: Yayan Saputra
Pembimbing: Wahdah Norsiah, Tini Elyn Herlina
HIV (Human Immnunodeficiency Virus) merupakan virus yang menyerang sistem
kekebalan tubuh sehingga tubuh rentan terhadap berbagai penyakit. Upaya
penanggulan infeksi HIV dengan pengobatan Antiretroviral (ARV), di Indonesia
menunjukkan hasil yang menggembirakan meski sejumlah kendala masih harus
diatasi terutama masalah kepatuhan dalam meminum obat ARV. Viral Load
bertujuan mengukur jumlah virus dalam darah, tes ini digunakan untuk memantau
tingkat replikasi virus dan efektivitas pengobatan ARV. Tujuan penelitian untuk
mengetahui hubungan kepatuhan minum obat ARV dengan Viral Load pada
pasien HIV di RS Idaman Kota Banjarbaru periode Maret sampai Agustus Tahun
2023. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei analitik dengan rancangan Cross
sectional dan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling.
Subjek penelitian ini pasien HIV yang telah bersedia menjadi responden
penelitian, telah mengisi inform concent penelitian dan memenuhi kriteria untuk
melakukan pemeriksaan viral load di RS Idaman Kota Banjarbaru pada Maret
hingga Agustus 2023. Hasil kepatuhan didapatkan dengan kuisioner dan Viral
Load menggunakan alat Tes Cepat Molekuler (TCM) GeneXpert, kemudian hasil
dikategorikan dengan bantuan program komputer. Analisis data menggunakan Uji
chi square, atau Fisher Exact jika chi square tidak memenuhi syarat. Hasil uji
Fisher Exact menunjukkan hasil Sig-(2-tailed) 0,000 (<0,05) artinya secara
statistik terdapat hubungan signifikan antara kepatuhan minum obat ARV dengan
Viral Load. Kesimpulan penelitian dari 36 responden penelitian didapatkan
persentase patuh 86%, dan Viral Load tersupresi 86%, serta terdapat hubungan
signifikan antara kepatuhan minum obat ARV dengan Viral Load pada pasien
HIV di RS Idaman Kota Banjarbaru. Saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya adalah
dilakukan penelitian jangka panjang kepatuhan minum obat ARV dan Viral Load
pada pasien HIV di RS Idaman Kota Banjarbaru.
Kata kunci: HIV, Antiretroviral (ARV), Viral Load, Kepatuhan
The relationship between adherence to taking antiretroviral drugs (ARV)
with viral load in HIV patients at Idaman Hospital Banjarbaru City
Researcher: Yayan Saputra
Advisor: Wahdah Norsiah, Tini Elyn Herlina
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that attacks the immune system
so that the body is vulnerable to various diseases. Efforts to overcome HIV
infection with Antiretroviral (ARV) treatment, in Indonesia show encouraging
results although a number of obstacles still have to be overcome, especially
adherence problems in taking ARV drugs. Viral load aims to measure the amount
of virus in the blood, this test is used to monitor the rate of viral replication and
the effectiveness of ARV treatment. The purpose of the study was to determine
the relationship between adherence to taking ARV drugs with Viral Load in HIV
patients at Idaman Hospital Banjarbaru City for the period March to August 2023.
This study used an analytical survey method with a Cross-sectional design and
sampling techniques using purposive sampling. The subjects of this study were
HIV patients who had been willing to become research respondents, had filled out
the research information consent, and met the criteria to carry out viral load
checks at Idaman Hospital Banjarbaru City from March to August 2023.
Adherence results were obtained with questionnaires and Viral Load using the
GeneXpert Molecular Rapid Test (TCM) tool, then the results were categorized
with the help of a computer program. Analyze the data using the chi-square Test,
or Fisher Exact if the chi-square does not qualify. The results of the Fisher Exact
test show a Sig-(2-tailed) result of 0.000 (<0.05), meaning that statistically there is
a significant relationship between adherence to taking ARV drugs and Viral Load.
The conclusion of the study from 36 research respondents was that the percentage
of compliance was 86%, the Viral Load was suppressed at 86%, and there was a
significant relationship between adherence to taking ARV drugs and Viral Load in
HIV patients at Idaman Hospital Banjarbaru City. Suggestions for future research
are long-term studies of adherence to taking ARV drugs and Viral Load in HIV
patients at Idaman Hospital Banjarbaru City.
Keywords: Adherence, Antiretroviral (ARV), HIV, Viral Load
Detail Information
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Penerbit | Jurusan Analis Kesehatan : Banjarbaru., 2023 |
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Subyek | |
No Panggil |
035J SKP AJ TLM/ 2024
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