Hubungan Infeksi kecacingan Soil Transmitted Helminth (STH) dengan
Personal Hygiene pada Petugas Sampah di TPA Basirih
Kota Banjarmasin
Peneliti: Wardiatul Aeni
Pembimbing: Rifqoh, Erfan Roebiakto
Kecacingan masih sering dijumpai di Indonesia. Jenis cacing yang sering
menginfeksi adalah Soil Transmitted Helminth (STH). Salah satu pekerjaan yang
rentan terinfeksi cacing ini adalah petugas sampah. Faktor yang mempengaruhi
penularan infeksi STH salah satunya adalah personal hygiene yang buruk.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan infeksi kecacingan
STH dengan personal hygiene pada petugas sampah di tempat pembuangan akhir
Basirih Kota Banjarmasin. Jenis penelitian ini adalah survey analitik dengan
rancangan cross sectional, jumlah populasi dan sampel sebanyak 43 orang dengan
cara pengambilan teknik total sampling yaitu sebanyak 43 petugas sampah. Pada
pemeriksaan telur cacing secara mikroskopis metode Kato-Katz, menggunakan
specimen feses segar. Variabel personal hygiene ditentukan berdasarkan range
kuesioner dengan nilai 16-40 (kurang baik) dan 41-64 (Baik). Hasil penelitian
ditemukan 7 orang (16,28%) positif kecacingan STH dengan EPG (Egg Per Gram)
sebanyak 24-72/gr feses, 2 orang (4,65%) positif cacing cestode, dan 34 orang
(79,1%) negatif kecacingan STH. Personal Hygiene dari 43 responden didapatkan
rentang nilai 30-58, untuk personal hygiene kategori baik sebanyak 16 orang
(37,21%) sedangkan responden yang memiliki personal hygiene kategori kurang
baik sebanyak 27 orang (62,79%) dan 7 diantaranya positif kecacingan STH.
Berdasarkan analisa data menggunakan uji Fisher’s Exact menunjukan nilai p-
value sebesar 0,000 < alpha (0,05) dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan
antara infeksi kecacingan STH dengan personal hygiene di wilayah kerja TPA
Basirih Kota Banjarmasin. Pada penelitian selanjutnya agar melakukan penelitian
hubungan infeksi kecacingan cestode usus dengan personal hygiene.
Kata Kunci :Soil Transmitted Helminth, Personal Hygiene, Petugas Sampah
The Relationship of Soil Transmitted Helminth (STH) Infection with
Personal Hygiene in Garbage Workers at Basirih Landfill Banjarmasin City
Researcher: Wardiatul Aeni
Supervisor: Rifqoh, Erfan Roebiakto
Worm infestation is still common in Indonesia. The type of worm that often infects
is Soil Transmitted Helminth (STH). One of the occupations that are vulnerable to
infection with these worms is garbage workers. One of the factors that influence the
transmission of STH infection is poor personal hygiene. This study aims to
determine the relationship between STH helminth infection and personal hygiene
in garbage workers at Basirih landfill in Banjarmasin City. This type of research is
an analytic survey with a cross sectional design, the number of population and
samples as many as 43 people by taking the total sampling technique, namely 43
garbage workers. Microscopic examination of worm eggs using the Kato-Katz
method, using fresh feces specimens. Personal hygiene variables are determined
based on the range of questionnaires with values 16-40 (poor) and 41-64 (good).
The results showed that 7 people (16.28%) were positive for STH worms with EPG
(Egg Per Gram) of 24-72/gr of feces, 2 people (4.65%) were positive for cestode
worms, and 34 people (79.1%) were negative for STH worms. Personal Hygiene of
43 respondents obtained a value range of 30-58, for personal hygiene in the good
category as many as 16 people (37.21%) while respondents who have personal
hygiene in the poor category are 27 people (62.79%) and 7 of them are positive for
STH worms. Based on Fisher's Exact test analysis, there is a relationship (p-value
0.000 <0.05) between STH helminthiasis infection and personal hygiene. In the
next study to conduct research on the relationship of intestinal cestode helminthiasis
infection with personal hygiene.
Keywords: Soil Transmitted Helminth, Personal Hygiene, Garbage Handlers
Detail Information
Item Type | |
Penulis | |
Student ID | |
Dosen Pembimbing | |
Penguji | |
Kode Prodi PDDIKTI | |
Edisi | |
Departement | |
Kontributor | |
Bahasa |
Penerbit | Jurusan Analis Kesehatan : Banjarbaru., 2023 |
Edisi | |
Subyek | |
No Panggil |
057 SKP/TLM 2023
Copyright | |
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