Perbandingan Nilai Laju Endap Darah Dengan Metode Automatik Dan Metode
Sediplast Pada Pasien Tuberkulosis Di Puskesmas Cempaka
Peneliti : Rifka Dalfia Shinta
Pembimbing : Ahmad Muhlisin; Aima Insana
Laju Endap Darah (LED) adalah pemeriksaan untuk menentukan kecepatan
eritrosit mengendap dalam darah yang tidak membeku (darah berisi antikoagulan)
pada suatu tabung vertikal dengan waktu pendiaman tertentu, digunakan untuk
mendeteksi adanya kerusakan jaringan, inflamasi dan menunjukkan adanya suatu
penyakit kronik. Tuberkulosis merupakan penyakit infeksi kronik paru yang
disebabkan bakteri berbentuk batang (basil) dengan nama Mycrobacterium
tuberculosis. Diagnosis tuberkulosis di tegakkan melalui pemeriksaan darah dan
dahak, pemeriksaan darah yang dapat menunjang diagnosis tuberkulosis paru
adalah laju endap darah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan
nilai laju endap darah metode automatik dan metode sediplast pada pasien
tuberkulosis di Puskesmas Cempaka. Jenis penelitian Survey analitik dengan
rancangan Studi komparatif. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh penderita
tuberkulosis di wilayah Puskesmas Cempaka yang berjumlah 36 orang
pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Total sampling. Hasil pemeriksaan LED
dengan metode automatik responden kurang dari normal sebanyak 32 orang (89%)
responden dan kadar LED responden normal sebanyak 4 (11%). Responden dengan
metode sediplast kurang dari normal sebanyak 26 (72%) responden dan kadar LED
normal sebanyak 10 (28%) responden, dengan rata-rata metode automatik 36,97
mm/jam, metode sediplast memiliki rata-rata 36,08 mm/jam. Berdasarkan uji
statistik didapatkan signifikan 0.074 dimana nilai ini lebih besar dari nilai α=0,05,
sehingga tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara nilai LED automatik dan
metode sediplast.
Kata Kunci : Laju Endap Darah, Automatik, Sediplast
Comparison of Blood Sedimentation Rate Values Using the Automatic
Method and the Sediplast Method in Tuberculosis Patients at the Cempaka
Health Center
Researcher : Rifka Dalfia Shinta
Mentor : Ahmad Muhlisin; Aima Insana
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is an examination to determine the
rate at which erythrocytes precipitate in non-clotting blood (blood containing
anticoagulants) in a vertical tube with a certain holding time, used to detect tissue
damage, inflammation and indicate the presence of a chronic disease. Tuberculosis
is a chronic pulmonary infectious disease caused by a rod-shaped bacterium
(bacillus) called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The diagnosis of tuberculosis is
established through blood and sputum tests. Blood tests that can support the
diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis are the sedimentation rate of the blood. This
study aims to determine the comparison of the sedimentation rate of the automatic
method and the sediplast method in tuberculosis patients at the Cempaka Health
Center. Type of research Analytical survey with a comparative study design. The
population in this study were all tuberculosis sufferers in the Cempaka Health
Center area, totaling 36 people. Sampling used total sampling technique. The results
of the examination of the LED with the automatic method of respondents were less
than normal as many as 32 people (89%) respondents and the respondent's LED
levels were normal as many as 4 (11%). Respondents with the sediplast method
were less than normal as many as 26 (72%) respondents and normal LED levels
were 10 (28%) respondents, with an average automatic method of 36.97 mm/hour,
the sediplast method had an average of 36.08 mm/hour O'clock. Based on statistical
tests, it was found that it was significant 0.074 where this value was greater than
the value α = 0.05, so there was no significant difference between the automatic
LED value and the sediplast method.
Keywords : Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, Automatic, Sediplast
Detail Information
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Penerbit | Jurusan Analis Kesehatan : Banjarbaru., 2023 |
Edisi | |
Subyek | |
No Panggil |
045 SKP/TLM 2023
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