Hubungan Antara Kadar Antibodi IgG S1RBD Pasca Vaksinasi Covid-19
dengan Tekanan Darah pada Karyawan Poltekkes Kemenkes Banjarmasin
Penulis: Nur Rahmi Azizah
Pembimbing: Erfan Roebiakto, Wahdah Norsiah
Antibodi adalah protein yang diproduksi sebagai respon terhadap stimulus
antigenik asing baik berupa respon pada sel atau respon antibodi. Pembentukan
antibodi pasca vaksinasi maupun secara alami setiap orang berbeda, tergantung
pada respon imun tubuh mereka masing-masing. Disamping itu, terdapat faktor
yang dapat mempengaruhi pembentukan antibodi pasca vaksinasi, antara lain waktu
vaksinasi, jenis vaksin, faktor genetik, usia, jenis kelamin, status gizi, dan komorbid
hipertensi (Wiedermann, Garner-Spitzer & Wagner, 2016). Salah satu jenis
antibodi yang terbentuk pasca vaksinasi ataupun pasca infeksi Covid-19 yaitu IgG.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar antibodi IgG S1RBD
terhadap tekanan darah pada karyawan Poltekkes Kemenkes Banjarmasin. Metode
pengukuran kadar antibodi yang digunakan adalah ELISA. Jenis penelitian yang
digunakan adalah survey analitic dengan rancangan cross sectional. Pada hasil
penelitian ini, responden tekanan darah normal terdapat 1 orang (3,33%) kadar
antibodi sedang dan 7 orang (23,33%) kadar antibodi tinggi, pada prahipertensi
terdapat 1 orang (3,33%) kadar antibodi sedang dan 6 orang (20%) kadar antibodi
tinggi, pada hipertensi stage 1 terdapat 4 orang (13,33%) kadar antibodi rendah, 3
orang (10%) kadar antibodi sedang dan 1 orang (3,33%) kadar antibodi tinggi,
sedangkan pada hipertensi stage 2 terdapat 1 orang (3,33%) kadar antibodi sedang
dan 6 orang (20%) kadar antibodi tinggi. Berdasarkan uji statistik dari uji pearson
didapatkan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0.227 ((p > α) (α = 0.05)) yang berarti tidak
terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara kadar antibodi IgG S1RBD pasca
vaksinasi Covid-19 dengan tekanan darah. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah
tekanan darah tidak berhubungan dengan kadar antibodi IgG S1RBD yang
terbentuk. Adapun saran bagi peneliti selanjutnya yaitu agar meneliti lebih lanjut
mengenai perbedaan kadar antibodi pada penderita hipertensi stage 1 dan stage 2.
Kata Kunci: Vaksinasi Covid-19, Kadar antibodi, Tekanan darah, Metode ELISA
Correlation Between Post-Covid-19 IgG S1RBD Antibody Levels and Blood
Control in Poltekkes Kemenkes Banjarmasin Employees
Author: Nur Rahmi Azizah
Advisor: Erfan Roebiakto, Wahdah Norsiah
Antibodies are proteins produced in response to foreign antigenic stimuli,
either in the form of cell responses or antibody responses. The formation of
antibodies after vaccination and naturally for each person is different, depending on
their respective body's immune response. In addition, there are factors that can
affect the formation of post-vaccination antibodies, including time of vaccination,
type of vaccine, genetic factors, age, gender, nutritional status, and comorbid
hypertension (Wiedermann, Garner-Spitzer & Wagner, 2016). One type of antibody
that is formed after vaccination or post-Covid-19 infection is IgG. This study aims
to determine the relationship between IgG S1RBD antibody levels and blood
pressure in Poltekkes Kemenkes Banjarmasin employees. The method of measuring
antibody levels used is ELISA. The type of research used is an analytical survey
with a cross-sectional design. In the results of this study, normal blood pressure
respondents had 1 person (3.33%) with moderate antibody levels and 7 people
(23.33%) with high antibody levels, in prehypertension there were 1 person (3.33%)
with moderate antibody levels and 6 people (20%) have high antibody levels, in
stage 1 hypertension there are 4 people (13.33%) have low antibody levels, 3 people
(10%) have moderate antibody levels and 1 person (3.33%) have high antibody
levels, whereas in hypertension stage 2 there were 1 person (3.33%) moderate
antibody levels and 6 people (20%) high antibody levels. Based on statistical tests
from the Pearson test, a significance value of 0.227 ((p > α) (α = 0.05)) was found,
which means that there was no significant relationship between IgG S1RBD
antibody levels after Covid-19 vaccination and blood pressure. The conclusion of
this study was that blood pressure was not related to the level of IgG S1RBD
antibodies formed. The suggestion for future researchers is to do more research on
differences in antibody levels in people with stage 1 and stage 2 hypertension.
Keywords: Covid-19 Vaccination, Antibody Level, Blood Pressure Elisa Method
Detail Information
Item Type | |
Penulis |
NUR RAHMI AZIZAH - Personal Name
Erfan Roebiakto, S.KM.,MS - Personal Name Wahdah Norsiah - Personal Name |
Student ID | |
Dosen Pembimbing | |
Penguji | |
Kode Prodi PDDIKTI | |
Edisi | |
Departement | |
Kontributor | |
Bahasa |
Penerbit | Jurusan Analis Kesehatan : Banjarbaru., 2023 |
Edisi | |
Subyek | |
No Panggil |
037 SKP/ TLM 2023
Copyright | |
Doi |