Pengaruh Waktu Inkubasi Antibodi Primer Helicobacter pylori Terhadap Ketajaman Warna Reaksi Pada Pemeriksaan Autostaining Imunohistokimia Biopsi Gaster Pasien Gastritis

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Pengaruh Waktu Inkubasi Antibodi Primer Helicobacter pylori Terhadap Ketajaman Warna Reaksi Pada Pemeriksaan Autostaining Imunohistokimia Biopsi Gaster Pasien Gastritis


Pengaruh Waktu Inkubasi Antibodi Primer Helicobacter pylori
Terhadap Ketajaman Warna Reaksi Pada Pemeriksaan Autostaining
Imunohistokimia Biopsi Gaster Pasien Gastritis
Peneliti : Nani Jaini
Pembimbing : Neni Oktiyani, Ahmad Muhlisin
Inkubasi antibodi primer merupakan protokol yang harus dikerjakan pada
proses Imunohistokimia inkubasi yang mengalami masalah menyebabkan
buruknya intensitas pewarnaan. Protokol pengecatan Imunohistokimia pada biopsi
gaster pasien gastritis menggunakan alat Autostaining Roche Tissue Diagnostics
Ventana BenchMark XT tidak menyertakan waktu inkubasi dari antibodi primer
Helicobacter pylori. Uji pendahuluan dengan waktu inkubasi 16 menit didapatkan
warna reaksi ideal dan waktu inkubasi 20 menit warna reaksi overstaining,
sedangkan waktu inkubasi di bawah 16 menit belum diketahui warna reaksinya.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui ketajaman warna reaksi pemeriksaan
Autostaining Imunohistokimia biopsi gaster pasien gastritis Helicobacter pylori
dengan waktu inkubasi antibodi primer 8 menit, 12 menit dan 16 menit. Penelitian
dilakukan di Instalasi Laboratorium Patologi Anatomi RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin
pada Juli 2022. Penelitian quasi eksperiment dengan rancangan Postest Only
Control Group Design. Melalui pemeriksaan ketajaman warna reaksi dengan waktu
inkubasi antibodi primer 8 menit, 12 menit dan 16 menit. Hasil pemeriksaan
dianalisis statistik dengan uji Friedman untuk melihat ada atau tidaknya perbedaan
pengaruh antar perlakuan, sedangkan untuk mengetahui waktu mana yang
memberikan pengaruh dilakukan uji Wilcoxon dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%.
Hasil uji menunjukkan nilai signifikansi 0,000 (< 0,05) artinya adanya perbedaan
bermakna antara waktu inkubasi antibodi primer Helicobacter pylori terhadap
ketajaman warna reaksi. Waktu inkubasi yang berpengaruh terhadap ketajaman
warna reaksi adalah 16 menit. Rerata nilai skor ketajaman warna reaksi tertinggi
adalah 2,89 untuk waktu inkubasi 16 menit. Sehingga disarankan untuk
menggunakan waktu inkubasi antibodi primer Helicobter pylori selama 16 menit
pada pengecatan Autostaining Imunohistokimia.
Kata Kunci : Waktu inkubasi, antibodi primer, ketajaman warna
Effect of Helicobacter pylori Primary Antibody Incubation Time
Against The Sharpness of Color Reaction in Autostaining
Immunohistochemistry Examination of Gastric Biopsy in Gastritis Patients
Researcher : Nani Jaini
Advisors : Neni Oktiyani, Ahmad Muhlisin
Primary antibody incubation is a protocol that must be done in the
incubation Immunohistochemistry process which has problems causing poor
staining intensity. Immunohistochemical staining protocol on gastric biopsies of
gastritis patients using the Autostaining Roche Tissue Diagnostics Ventana
BenchMark XT does not include the incubation time of the primary antibody
Helicobacter pylori. Preliminary test with an incubation time of 16 minutes
obtained the ideal reaction color and an incubation time of 20 minutes for the color
of the overstaining reaction, while the incubation time was below 16 minutes and
the reaction color was unknown. The purpose of this study was to determine the
color acuity of the autostaining immunohistochemical examination of gastric
biopsies in Helicobacter pylori gastritis patients with primary antibody incubation
times of 8 minutes, 12 minutes and 16 minutes. The research was conducted at the
Anatomical Pathology Laboratory Installation of Ulin Hospital, Banjarmasin in
July 2022. This was a quasi-experimental study using the Posttest Only Control
Group Design. By examining the color acuity of the reaction with primary antibody
incubation times of 8 minutes, 12 minutes and 16 minutes. The results of the
examination were analyzed statistically with the Friedman test to see whether or not
there was a difference in effect between treatments, while to find out which time
had an effect, the Wilcoxon test was carried out with a 95% confidence level. The
test results showed a significance value of 0.000 (<0.05) meaning that there was a
significant difference between the incubation time of the Helicobacter pylori
primary antibody and the color acuity of the reaction. The incubation time that
affects the color sharpness of the reaction is 16 minutes. The highest average
reaction color sharpness score was 2.89 for 16 minutes of incubation time. So it is
advisable to use Helicobter pylori primary antibody incubation time of 16 minutes
in Autostaining Immunohistochemistry.
Keywords : Incubation time, primary antibody, color acuity

Detail Information

Item Type
Nani Jaini - Personal Name
Neni Oktiyani, M.Sc - Personal Name
H. Ahmad Muhlisin, M.Kes - Personal Name
H. Haitami, M.Sc - Personal Name
Student ID
Dosen Pembimbing
Kode Prodi PDDIKTI
Penerbit Jurusan Analis Kesehatan : Banjarbaru.,
No Panggil
SKP 24AJ 2022

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