Perbedaan Hasil Morfologi Sel Eritrosit dan Sel Leukosit Metode Romanowsky Menggunakan Buffer Fosfat pH 6,8 dan Air Mineral Beremerek Nasional

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Perbedaan Hasil Morfologi Sel Eritrosit dan Sel Leukosit Metode Romanowsky Menggunakan Buffer Fosfat pH 6,8 dan Air Mineral Beremerek Nasional


Perbedaan Hasil Morfologi Sel Eritrosit dan Sel Leukosit Metode
Romanowsky Menggunakan Buffer Fosfat pH 6,8 dan Air Mineral
Beremerek Nasional
Penulis : Nili Norhafiizhah
Pembimbing : Ahmad Muhlisin, Wahdah Norsiah
Sediaan darah tipis merupakan pemeriksaan darah rutin menggunakan
teknik mikroskopis untuk mengamati morfologi sel darah bahkan komponen lain
didalam darah yang memberikan informasi tentang keadaan hematologik
seseorang. Pewarnaan sediaan darah tepi diperlukan untuk memudahkan dalam
menentukan berbagai jenis sel dan juga dalam mengevaluasi morfologi sel.
International Council for Standardization in Haematology (ICSH)
merekomendasikan pewarnaan Romanowsky sebagai metode pewarnaan yang
digunakan dalam pembuatan sedian darah tepi karena pewarnaan ini memberikan
hasil memuaskan pada sedian darah tepi. Larutan pH pengencer pewarnaan sangat
berpengaruh terhadap kualitas sediaan darah tepi, dimana batas pH buffer fosfat
yang biasanya digunakan sebagai pengencer pewarnaan yaitu pH 6,8-7,2 Menurut
Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) 01-3553 tahun (2006) air mineral mempunyai
batasan pH optimum berkisar 6,0-8,5, sehingga air mineral dapat digunakan sebagai
alternatif pengganti larutan buffer. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui perbedaan hasil
morfologi sel eritrosit dan sel leukosit Metode Romanowsky menggunakan buffer
fosfat pH 6,8 dan air mineral bermerek Nasional. Penelitian ini merupakan
penelitian observasional laboratorium dengan rancangan comparrative study. Hasil
penelitian morfologi sel eritrosit dan sel leukosit darah kontrol Normal, Low, dan
High mengunakan buffer fosfat pH 6,8 (A), air mineral bermerek Nasional C, D, F,
dan G hasil pewarnaan baik dan air mineral bermerek Nasional B dan E hasil
pewarnaan tidak baik. Berdasarkan uji Wilxocon morfologi sel eritrosit dan sel
leukosit didapatkan sig >0,05 untuk air mineral bermerek Nasional C, D, F, dan G
terhadap buffer fosfat pH 6,8 menunjukan tidak ada perbedaan bermakna.
Disimpukan bahwa air mineral bermerek Nasional dapat digunakan sebegai
pengencer pewarnaan sediaan darah tipis.
Kata kunci: Morfologi Eritrosit, Morfologi Leukosit, Romanowsky, Air Mineral
Bermerek Nasional
Differences in Morphological Results of Erythrocytes and Leukocytes Using
Romanowsky’s Method Using Phosphate Buffer pH 6,8 and National
Branded Mineral Water
Author : Nili Norhafiizhah
Advisor : Ahmad Muhlisin, Wahdah Norsiah
Thin blood smear is a routine blood examination using microscopic
techniques to observe the morphology of blood cells and even other components in
the blood that provide information about a person's hematological condition.
Staining of peripheral blood preparations is needed to make it easier to determine
various types of cells and also to evaluate cell morphology. The International
Council for Standardization in Hematology (ICSH) recommends Romanowsky
staining as the staining method used in the manufacture of peripheral blood smears
because this stain gives satisfactory results in peripheral blood smears. The pH of
the staining diluent is very influential on the quality of peripheral blood
preparations, where the pH limit of phosphate buffer which is usually used as a
staining diluent is pH 6.8-7.2 According to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI)
01-3553 years (2006) mineral water has a limit The optimum pH ranges from 6.0
to 8.5, so mineral water can be used as an alternative to buffer solutions. The
purpose of this study was to determine the differences in the morphology of
erythrocytes and leukocytes. The Romanowsky method used phosphate buffer pH
6.8 and National branded mineral water. This research is a laboratory observational
study with a comparative study design. The results of the study of morphology of
erythrocyte cells and leukocyte cells in Normal, Low, and High control blood used
phosphate buffer pH 6.8 (A), mineral water with National brands C, D, F, and G
with good staining results and mineral water with National brands B and E staining
results are not good. Based on the Wilxocon test, the morphology of erythrocyte
and leukocyte cells was obtained sig > 0.05 for mineral water with National
brands C, D, F, and G against phosphate buffer pH 6.8, which showed no significant
difference. It was concluded that national branded mineral water could be used as
a diluent for staining thin blood preparations.
Keywords : Eryhrocyte Morphology, Leukocyte Morphology, Romanowsky,
National Brand Mineral Water

Detail Information

Item Type
Nili Norhafiizhah - Personal Name
H. Ahmad Muhlisin, M.Kes - Personal Name
Wahdah Norsiah, M.Si - Personal Name
Neni Oktiyani, M.Sc - Personal Name
Student ID
Dosen Pembimbing
Kode Prodi PDDIKTI
Penerbit Jurusan Analis Kesehatan : Banjarbaru.,
No Panggil

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