Perbedaan Morfologi Sel Eritrosit dan Sel Leukosit Metode Giemsa
Menggunakan Buffer Fosfat pH 6,8 Dan Air Mineral Bermerek Lokal
Peneliti : Betty Herliani
Pembimbing : H. Ahmad Muhlisin ; Neni Oktiyani
Pewarnaan Metode Giemsa merupakan salah satu pewarnaan sediaan darah
tipis yang dapat digunakan untuk meliat morfologi sel seperti sel eritrosit dan sel
leukosit. Pewarnaan Metode Giemsa diperlukan penambahan larutan penyangga yaitu
buffer fosfat yang berfungsi sebagai peyangga pH sediaan dari penambahan asam,basa
atau air pada saat proses pewarnaan. Meskipun buffer fosfat mudah ditemukan, namun
harganya cukup relatif mahal. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan larutan pengencer alternatif
yang lebih murah dalam segi ekonomi dan mudah ditemukan, dalam penelitian ini yaitu
air mineral bermerek lokal dengan pH 6,8 – 7,2. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui
perbedaan morfologi sel eritrosit dan sel leukosit metode giemsa menggunakan buffer
fosfat pH 6,8 dan air mineral bermerek lokal. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah
observasional laboratorium dengan racangan penelitian comparative study (studi
perbandingan). Data yang didapat disajikan dalam bentuk tabel kemudian dianalisis
secara statistik dengan uji Kruskal Wallis menggunakan SPSS taraf signifikansi 5%
(0,05). Berdasarkan uji statistik perbedaan antara buffer fosfat dan air mineral
bermerek lokal menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan morfologi sel eritrosit dan sel
leukosit antara buffer fosfat (A) dengan air mineral lokal bermerek B, D, E dan F.
Disimpulkan bahwa air mineral bermerek lokal dapat digunakan sebagai larutan
pengencer dalam pewarnaan Giemsa.
Kata Kunci : Giemsa, Morfologi Eritrosit, Morfologi Leukosit, Air Mineral Bermerek
The Difference In Morphology Of Erythrocyte And Leukocyte Cells Using
Giemsa Method Phosphate Buffer pH 6.8 And Local Brand Mineral Water
Researcher: Betty Herliani
Supervisor: H. Ahmad Muhlisin; Neni Oktiyani
Giemsa's staining method is one of the staining of thin blood preparations
that can be used to view cell morphology such as erythrocyte and leukocyte cells.
Staining in the Giemsa method requires the addition of a buffer solution, namely a
phosphate buffer which functions as a buffer for the pH of the preparation from the
addition of acid, base or water during the coloring process. Although phosphate
buffers are easy to find, they are relatively expensive. Therefore, an alternative
diluent solution that is cheaper in terms of economics and easy to find is needed, in
this study, namely local brand mineral water with a pH of 6.8 - 7.2. The aim of the
study was to determine the differences in the morphology of erythrocyte and
leukocyte cells using giemsa method using phosphate buffer pH 6.8 and local
branded mineral water. This type of research is an observational laboratory with a
comparative study design. The data obtained were presented in tabular form and
then statistically analyzed with the Kruskal Wallis test using SPSS with a
significance level of 5% (0.05). Based on statistical tests the difference between
phosphate buffer and local branded mineral water showed that there was no
difference in the morphology of erythrocyte and leukocyte cells between phosphate
buffer (A) and local mineral water branded B, D, E and F. It was concluded that
local branded mineral water can be used as a diluting solution in Giemsa staining.
Keywords: Giemsa, Morphology Erythrocytes, Morphology Leukocytes, Local
Brand Mineral Water
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Penerbit | Jurusan Analis Kesehatan : Banjarbaru., 2021 |
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