0.05), indicating that there was no statistically significant difference in uric acid levels when plasma K2EDTA and Heparin were used. More research is required to determine how much uric acid levels are reduced when EDTA plasma samples of different types are compared to serum. Key words : K2EDTA, Heparin, Uric Acid" /> Perbedaan Kadar Asam Urat Metode Enzymatic Colorimetric (Uricase-PAP) Menggunakan Sampel Plasma K2EDTA dan Heparin 0.05), indicating that there was no statistically significant difference in uric acid levels when plasma K2EDTA and Heparin were used. More research is required to determine how much uric acid levels are reduced when EDTA plasma samples of different types are compared to serum. Key words : K2EDTA, Heparin, Uric Acid" />

Detail Cantuman


Perbedaan Kadar Asam Urat Metode Enzymatic Colorimetric (Uricase-PAP) Menggunakan Sampel Plasma K2EDTA dan Heparin


“Perbedaan Kadar Asam Urat Metode Enzymatic Colorimetric (Uricase-PAP)
Menggunakan Sampel Plasma K2EDTA dan Heparin”
Peneliti : Nia Puspita Sari
Pembimbing : Jujuk Anton Cahyono, Yayuk Kustiningsih
Pemeriksaan asam urat dapat menggunakan antikoagulan EDTA dan
Heparin. Penggunaan antikoagulan EDTA dapat menyebabkan penurunan kadar
asam urat. Sedangkan Heparin direkomendasikan karena dalam menghasilkan
plasma memiliki kekurangan paling sedikit dibandingkan dengan penggunaan
antikoagulan lain Penelitian bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui kadar asam urat
dengan metode enzimatik colorimetric menggunakan sampel plasma K2EDTA dan
Heparin. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survei analitik dengan desain
penelitian cross sectional. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswi yang
berusia 21-23 tahun yang berjumlah 15 orang di Jurusan Analis Kesehatan
Poltekkes Kemenkes Banjarmasin. Hasil pemeriksaan diperoleh kadar asam urat
menggunakan plasma K2EDTA dengan rata-rata sebesar 3,83 mg/dl sedangkan
menggunakan plasma Heparin dengan rata-rata sebesar 3,88 mg/dl. Hasil uji
statistik Wilcoxon didapatkan nilai signifikansi 0,069 (P > 0,05) sehingga dapat
disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan bermakna antara kadar asam urat
menggunakan plasma K2EDTA dan Heparin. Penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan
untuk mengetahui berapa besar penurunan kadar asam urat menggunakan sampel
plasma EDTA jenis lain dibandingkan dengan serum.
Kata kunci : K2EDTA, Heparin, Asam Uratix
"Difference of Uric Acid Levels by Enzymatic Colorimetric Method (UricasePAP) Using K2EDTA and Heparin Plasma Samples"
Researcher: Nia Puspita Sari
Advisors : Jujuk Anton Cahyono, Yayuk Kustiningsih
As an anticoagulant, EDTA or Heparin may be used to measure uric acid.
The use of EDTA anticoagulants can result in a decrease in uric acid levels.
Meanwhile, heparin is the anticoagulant of choice because it has the fewest flaws
in the production of plasma as compared to other anticoagulants like EDTA. The
aim of this study was to use K2EDTA and Heparin plasma samples to determine
uric acid value using a colorimetric enzymatic process. This study uses a crosssectional research design and is an analytic survey study. The participants in this
study were female students aged 21 to 23, with a total of 15 people from the
Ministry of Health's Department of Health Analyst Poltekkes in Banjarmasin. The
findings showed that K2EDTA plasma had an average uric acid value of 3.83
mg/dl, while Heparin plasma had an average uric acid value of 3.88 mg/dl. The
Wilcoxon statistical test revealed a significance value of 0.069 (P> 0.05),
indicating that there was no statistically significant difference in uric acid levels
when plasma K2EDTA and Heparin were used. More research is required to
determine how much uric acid levels are reduced when EDTA plasma samples of
different types are compared to serum.
Key words : K2EDTA, Heparin, Uric Acid

Detail Information

Item Type
Nia Puspita Sari - Personal Name
Jujuk Anton Cahyono - Personal Name
Yayuk Kustiningsih - Personal Name
Dinna Rakhmina - Personal Name
Student ID
Dosen Pembimbing
Kode Prodi PDDIKTI
Penerbit Jurusan Analis Kesehatan : Banjarbaru.,
No Panggil

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